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Social Media in Your Career

No matter what career path you may choose to go down, technology will most definitely have an impact on your job. Technology has not only changed the way people live their daily life, but it has also made people's careers and labor work much more efficient. Without technology, some people’s jobs would not even exist. Some careers are completely dependent on today’s technology and could not be done without it. It is something we all use and a lot of us rely on it whether it's inside or outside of our place of work.

A career path I have been looking at going into is interior design. Technology may not be the first thing that crosses your mind when you think about this career, but it has made a huge impact on it. I do believe this job can be done without today’s technology. Technology today has changed the world of interior design by improving it so much. When designing a space, the designer can use advanced computer programs to bring their designs to life. Before these programs, clients were just expected to trust that their designer understood what they were trying to accomplish. Interior designers can digitally layout an entire space to show their clients. These programs can use the exact measurements and create a 3D model of a space. Designing can now be done to a much better ability and clients can rely on their designers a lot more. This technology changed the way interior designers do their job today.

Advanced designing programs are not the only way technology has benefited this career path. A popular way people discover interior designers is through social media. It is common for interior designers to have their own company or work for a small team. Having a social media platform specifically used to advertise their company is very useful. This allows people to hear about the designer's business or company and helps them to get more clients interested. When choosing who you would like to do a job for you, you usually want to see the company’s work before hiring them. Using social media, the design company can post some of their work so people will take more interest in the company. Websites also allow interested clients to easily contact the business owner to ask any questions or hire them to design a space. By creating your business website, designers can gain more credibility for their work and showcase it. Business websites are also a key tool in gaining clients and have helped interior designers tremendously.

From being able to take their designs to the next level to sharing posts to keep people interested in their company, technology had changed the way interior designers work. They now can use programs to make detailed digital models so their clients can see the full potential of their designs. By using technology, they can also create their websites to advertise their company. Overall, technology has had a great impact on the way interior designers do their job today.

Food For Thought Questions:

  1. How do you think technology can help you in your future career?

  2. In what ways do you think technology can have a negative effect on a career?

  3. How do you think social media has benefited peoples careers?

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