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The Future of Technology

Technology is something today’s world revolves around. From sending a text message to pursuing your career, you are most likely going to use some form of technology in your daily life. Technology has advanced greatly in the past couple of years and now everything people do involves technology. As time goes on, I think technology will continue to change and advance to improve the quality of our lives.

In the past 20 years, technology has changed our world. As time continues, I think technology will keep advancing. Around 10 years from now, I think there will be new versions of devices that we already have. Devices like new cell phones, cars, tablets, watches etc. will have new versions that suite our lives better. Thinking 20 years into the future, our everyday devices will just keep advancing. Now if you think 50 or more years into the future, technology will advance greatly. We may see technology that we have never seen before. Devices will begin to alter to better the quality of human life.

As technology advances, I think cellphones and vehicles will be the technology that advances the most in the future. My predictions for cell phones in the future are that they will become thinner, faster, stronger, and longer lasting. People use cell phones every single day to do almost everything. I only expect cell phones to advance into better quality devices that are more useful for people. I think other devices like tablets, watches, music players, headphones and computers will also advance in the same ways. Since these devices are popular but not as popular as owning a cell phone, I do not think they will advance as much as phones will in the future. Vehicles are also something I believe will advance more as time goes on. Today’s vehicles are already becoming so advanced that they are electric, self-driving, and have advanced systems inside them. I think vehicles will continue to advance and eventually be able to do much more!

I believe the advancements of technology will allow people to live better-quality lives. We will have more tools to help us complete everyday tasks and activities. Technology benefits people every day already and the more it advances the more beneficial it will be. From smart devices like cell phones and laptops to everyday tools, today’s technology will continue to advance and benefit our lives. I believe this because technology has already become much more beneficial to people today. It will continue to advance and grow with humankind and allow us to live better lives. There can be downsides that come with the advancements of technology too. Technology can be almost overpowering in today’s world. People’s lives revolve around and rely on today’s technology. The more technology advances, the more our everyday lives change.

Overall, technology will continue to advance, grow, and change. I believe this will be beneficial to people in many ways and help us with everyday activities. In the next 10,20 and 50 years, I think technology will advance greatly. Devices we use everyday will continue to advance and will become better quality and more useful. Though there is downsides to technology, I think the advancement of technology is overall beneficial to the quality of our lives.

Food For Thought Questions:

  1. How do you think technology will advance in the future?

  2. Do you think the good outweighs the bad when talking about technology?

  3. Do you think the world revolves around the advancement of technology?

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